Compare: Agency – Consultant – Private Attorney

There is a Difference

When considering which professional to assist you, it’s essential to understand the difference in services provided by an adoption agency, an adoption consultant, and a private attorney. The adoption process can be overwhelming financially, legally, and emotionally. This information can help you determine which one best fits your needs.

Adoption AgencyConsultantAttorney
The expectant mom receives counseling and assistance.The expectant mom does not receive counseling or assistance.The expectant mom does not receive counseling or assistance.
The potential adoptive parents receive training, education, and ongoing counseling.The potential adoptive parents receive adoption support and guidance.The potential adoptive parents receive no education or support
A caseworker completes the home study.Referrals are given for home study providers.Potential adoptive parents search for a home study provider.
Caseworker coaches and guides the potential adoptive parents in creating their online Profile and provides marketing.Consultant coaches and guides the potential adoptive parents
in creating and marketing their Profile.
No assistance given in creating a Profile or marketing a Profile.
Expectant mom and dad select a pre-screened and pre-approved couple. They can meet several couples before deciding.Offers advice to adoptive parents when deciding whether to accept a match. The attorney or family attempts to find an expectant mom.
Can handle an Identified
Adoption where expectant parents and adoptive parents meet and bring their relationship to the agency. Both still receive counseling and legal assistance.
Consultants are not licensed and cannot provide legal representation.Handles an Identified Adoption where expectant parents and adoptive parents meet and bring their relationship to the attorney. Both receive legal assistance.
Individual caseworkers provide continued counseling for everyone involved in the adoption plan.Provides support and advice for the adoptive parents. Only offers legal representation.
Agency communicates with hospital staff regarding adoption plans. Provides separate advocate for expectant and adoptive parents. In-person emotional support during hospitalization.
Expectant mom arranges hospital stay.Expectant mom arranges hospital stay.
The agency handles legal details for the termination of parental rights. Expectant mom and adoptive parents must find legal representation for the termination of parental rights. The attorney handles the legal details for the termination of parental rights.
The agency staff assists the birth mom during the post-adoption grieving process.No assistance for a birth mom post-adoption. No help for a birth mom post-adoption.
The agency guides birth and adoptive parents on building an open adoption relationship.No guidance is given to either the birth mom post-adoption. No guidance is given to either the birth mom or adoptive parents post-adoption.
Provides post-adoption supervision to adoptive parents between the time of placement and finalization.No further assistance is given.No further assistance is given.
Prepares post-adoptive report for the court and consults with attorney facilitating finalization. Adoptive parents must consult an attorney to handle the legal proceedings for finalization. Prepares documents for the court and handles legal proceedings for finalization.
The agency remains available to counsel the birth mom, child, and adoptive family throughout the years. There is no further contact. There is no further contact.